Is This Safe For Passengers? PHV Driver Spends 24 hours On The Roads

A private-hire vehicle (PHV) driver’s recent claim of earning over $750 after a gruelling 24-hour drive behind the wheel has raised eyebrows, prompting questions about the risks associated with prolonged driving hours.

The Challenge and Its Implications

The incident came to light through a Facebook post shared by the driver, proudly showcasing his earnings from the marathon driving session. 

While the financial gain might seem appealing, the underlying issue of safety cannot be overlooked. 

Concerns have been raised regarding the potential impact on passengers stemming from driver fatigue induced by extended hours behind the wheel, thereby compromising safety.

Previous Instances and Public Backlash

In addition, this is not the first time such extreme driving practices have made headlines. 

In a similar scenario back in November 2023, a Gojek driver spent 22 consecutive hours on the road in pursuit of earnings, drawing criticism from netizens and safety advocates alike. 

The incident reignited discussions on the importance of responsible driving and the welfare of all road users.

Industry Responses and Safety Measures

Acknowledging the gravity of the situation, both Gojek and Grab, major players in the ride-hailing sector, have emphasised their commitment to prioritising safety. 

In a post shared by Straits Times, representatives from Gojek reiterated their stance on discouraging prolonged driving hours and highlighted initiatives aimed at promoting driver well-being. 

These include periodic reminders for drivers to take breaks and the integration of safety features within their driver apps.

Similarly, Grab has implemented proactive measures such as fatigue reminders and the utilisation of telematics to monitor driving behaviour. 

By leveraging technology and adhering to Ministry of Manpower guidelines, these companies strive to mitigate the risks associated with driver fatigue and ensure the safety of passengers and road users.

Regulatory Framework and Guidelines

The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) has established clear guidelines to address fatigue among drivers too. 

These include limiting shifts to a maximum of 12 hours, inclusive of overtime, and mandating scheduled breaks to mitigate the onset of exhaustion. 

By adhering to these regulations, companies and drivers play a pivotal role in safeguarding public safety and upholding industry standards.

Importance of Prioritising Responsible Practices

While technological innovations and regulatory frameworks serve as pillars of support, it ultimately falls upon companies and drivers to prioritise responsible practices and prioritise the well-being of passengers and road users. 

Have a story to share? 

Accidents occur frequently, but as responsible road users, we can collectively contribute to reducing their frequency. 

If you or someone you know has a video or story to share, please do not hesitate to email us at 

Together, we can all contribute to creating safer roads for everyone. 


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